When you contact us we will arrange to come and meet with you and your family. At the meeting we will ask questions about your life and take notes so we can take these away and put together a Celebration Service for you.
The Written Funeral Celebration Service is then returned to you for you to read and if any changes are required we will make the changes and return the Written Funeral Celebration Service for you to read again and approve it.
Once approved the Written Funeral Celebration Service is then handed over to you as a final document either by email in PDF format or by post as a printed ducument.
Once you are in possession of the document you should file it with your other end of life documents such as your will, insurance documents etc and tell a loved one or your named executor where the documents are stored. We will keep a copy of the origional on file just incase yours is lost.
Now the Written Funeral Ceremony is yours we understand that over time things change, we would recommend that you update it accordingly.
We hope that the Written Funeral Celebration Service document sits in your end of life file for many years to come however the day will come when you have passed away and your family will have to make your funeral arrangements.
It is important that you have documented who you want to deliver your Funeral Ceremony. Anyone can deliver the service for you so you could choose a family member, a friend or have the service delivered by a Professional Funeral Celebrant.
You can choose who delivers your Funeral Ceremony, it is important that you choose wisely, a friend or family member may be overcome with emotion on the day.
As the writers of your Funeral Ceremony we would be honoured to deliver it for you.